Certified Gymnastics Coach
Duties and responsibilities:
- Energetic coaches who are passionate about children’s fitness and teaching quality
artistic gymnastics to children.
- Desire to contribute to the community.
- Previous gymnastics, tumbling, acrobatic dance, or cheerleading experience.
- Experience working with children (i.e., teaching gymnastics, tutoring, assisting coaches, etc.).
- Eagerness to learn additional coaching skills and practices.
- Excellent communication skills with children, parents, and team members.
- Flexible work hours are required. A typical work week may include morning, evening
and weekend shifts.
Certifications Required:
- Foundations Introduction, Theory, Artistic, Trampoline (or higher)
- Emergency First Aid & CPR C
Not a voting member of the board
Send resume to WGCpres@gmail.com and WGCregistrar@gmail.com
Gymnastics Coach In Training
Duties and responsibilities:
- Energetic people who are passionate about children’s fitness and teaching quality
artistic gymnastics to children.
- Desire to contribute to the community.
- Previous gymnastics, tumbling, acrobatic dance, or cheerleading is preferred.
- Experience working with children is preferred.
- Eagerness to learn coaching skills and practices.
- Flexible work hours are required. A typical work week may include morning, evening
and weekend shifts.
- Minimum age 13 years old
Send resume to WGCpres@gmail.com and WGCregistrar@gmail.com